
If there's no orange in the sky, i do try enjoying grey: I am a delusion angel.


Puisi B

Pintu di ruangan itu sedikit terbuka
Ruangan yang tidak pernah disentuh olehnya.
Barang-barang di dalamnya masih sama sejak bertahun-tahun lalu.

Saat itu kamu membawa ku masuk.

Ada gejolak yang aneh berjejalan mengisi tubuh kita. Hampir penuh. Ingin aku membaginya denganmu. Potongan-potongan rasa sayang yang mulai menemukan polanya. Tempatnya ada padamu, yang selama ini telah aku rindukan, bahkan sebelum kita saling mengenal.

Tapi aku tidak bisa mengabaikan ini: barang-barang usang yang sepertinya tidak tergantikan. Tidak akan pernah.

Aku tidak bisa.
Aku bukan pelipur lara. Mata mu terkadang kosong. Dan mungkin, aku pun terlalu rapuh untuk mengisinya.

From the Coffeeshop Art Series
Me on words
Aditya Wicaksono on sketch and drawing



I let myself away from all those commotion. Watching you from a distance.

You're like a whispering breeze that I could never reach, only to see you went away.

Let me be here once more, to see you again. Before you're fading.

There'd be dark after dusk.
There'd be a goodbye after a sweet encounter.
... and emptiness after joy.

Sometimes, the wheel spins so fast. Beyond consciousness.

From the Coffeeshop Art Series
Me on words
Aditya Wicaksono on sketch and drawing


Then, everything would be a memory.
A reminiscence of an old story.
There, it'd seem blurry.

What happened to you happened to me. I had it and I lost it.

But you chose to hide in the dark.
And you disappeared...

From the Coffeeshop Art Series
Me on words
Aditya Wicaksono on sketch and drawing